Prototype is a solo-GP fund led by @andreasklinger.

Who is Andreas Klinger?

Andreas Klinger was Founder of several companies, as well as founding team & CTO of Product Hunt, VPE of CoinList, Head of Remote at AngelList, and CTO at On Deck.

He writes a fair bit. Eg about Management, Hypergrowth, Efficient Engineering Teams India, Europe, and investing.

He also livestreams, shitposts too much, tries to improve Europe, and help VCs get a stronger spine.

Contact & FAQ

What's the best way to reach out for investments?

Come introduced through someone we know.
Alternatively, you can use this form here.

Disclaimer: We are not able to respond to all requests. If we are interested, we will reply, otherwise we won't waste your time.
10% of our investments come through this form. Yes this sounds low. But this is true for every VC, we are just more honest about it.
If you struggle to fundraise consider following this process.

What companies are a good fit for the fund?

Products that are able to get unique mindshare, leverage new technologies or product patterns, and that are slightly overly ambitious.

Founders who create companies, because they obsessively care about their problem, not just because it made sense in an research session. We only invest our time if we actually care about the opportunity. We hope you do the same.

If you need spreadsheets to show us that your product is a good idea, we are not the right fund for you.

How do you evaluate companies?

We wrote about our investment decision process here.

Why a focus on first-check investments?

We either join a round early, or set up the round in first place. Very frequently, we are the first to commit.

Facts: About 60% of our investments are first-round investments, in about 1/3 of them we were the first to commit. Only 3% of our invests were later than seed stage. (Series A or later)

Or differently put: We say we invest early-stage in companies, and we actually mean it.

Why? Because it's very much needed in our industry – and it's more fun ;)

How long have you been investing?

Since 2019. Originally under the name Remote First Capital, but due to COVID that theme became too narrow.

What people say about us

"Andreas is hands down probably the best investor I've met, hard to describe how much value he brings or just how amazing he is to work with. If you're lucky enough to get him on your cap table, please make it happen. You won't regret it."
– Andrew Gazdecki, Microacquire

"Quite simply, MainStreet would not exist without the support of Andreas and Remote First. Andreas took the time to get to know me, stayed close, and feedbacked as we iterated the early product development of MainStreet. Andreas was the first investor call we made after our "Eureka!" moment during product development, and his investment, support, and conviction were critical to putting together our first seed round. Deeply grateful to have Andreas on our cap table!"
– Doug Ludlow, Mainstreet

"Andreas, you’re one of the most helpful people we’ve all worked with. Generous with your time and feedback. We’ve not had higher impact for each $ investors."
- Job van der Voort, Remote

"I must say you are one of the best at keeping up with me and fredrik and i imagine this is the same for your other portfolio companies. The thing is, you're very good at being disarming, you're smart, and give direct opinions and concrete advice where you can. If you find a clone of yourself then let me know as i'd be eager to build a relationship with a coach like you."
– Tobias Enholm, Braindump

Here are a few more quotes

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